Une carte d’Azeroth inédite
Il y a quelques heures, la chaîne YouTube When Geeks Craft a publié une vidéo dans laquelle la carte d’Azeroth que nous connaissons (avec les continents de Battle for Azeroth) a été créée avec un découpe laser et de la résine époxy.
En réalité, cette magnifique carte a été réalisée pour une commande.
We make a lot of fantasy maps with our laser cutter and epoxy resin. For a recent commission, we made a map of Azeroth from World of Warcraft. While we were never WoW players, we have always had friends that played and were always interested in the world. After being asked to make it, we took a deep dive into the Maps of Azeroth. The world is amazing, and this is what we came up with. There are so many different versions of this map from throughout the years but what we made was a mixture of many maps with the customer’s preference in mind. After making this map, I really want to start playing! If you have feedback about the map’s arrangement or missing elements, know that we purposely left some pieces out and highlighted areas based on what the customer wanted. If you want to see how we made it, here is a link to the video. The link starts right at where we start building. The entire first part of the video is about the file making process for laser cutters. https://youtu.be/iWOURNLnxos?t=233 . I hope you enjoy!