Warcraft III: Reforged
Warcraft III Reforged : Quelques modifications apportées au matchmaking
Cette nuit, Kaivax a déclaré, par le biais d’un nouveau message sur le forum de Reforged, que les développeurs ont apporté plusieurs modifications au matchmaking.
Il existe maintenant un écart plus large entre les valeurs les plus hautes et les plus basses. Les joueurs pourront alors être représentés plus précisément, en particulier pour ceux de haut-niveau. Ce changement fera en sorte qu’un joueur mieux classé que 50% des autres joueurs soit maintenant représenté par une cote de matchmaking de 5 000 (MMR).
Le MMR de tous les joueurs sera mis à jour en fonction de leur placement dans la partie, dans le système FFA.
As part of our ongoing work on Warcraft III: Reforged, we’ve just made an update to our matchmaking system. There is now a wider band between the lowest value and the highest tracked values. This allows for player skill to be more accurately represented, especially for very high skill players. With this change, a 5000 matchmaking rating (MMR) should now represent a player who is rated higher than 50% of all players.
Additionally, in the Free for All system, each player’s MMR will now be updated based on their placement in the game. Players in first and second will typically gain matchmaking rating while third and fourth will lose rating. However, the players in second and third will receive notably smaller MMR changes than first and fourth, and it is possible for second place to lose MMR or third place to gain MMR depending on the disparity of MMR between players in the game. This change should help increase matchmaking accuracy for Free for All games.
As this was a change to our internal systems, there will not be a patch for players to download. The update was automatic.
Thank you.