Warcraft III: Reforged
Warcraft III Reforged: Les notes de la version de la bêta
Pete Stilwell a récemment publié un nouveau post sur le forum US de Reforged. Il y annonce les notes de la bêta du jeu.
Ces mêmes notes déclarent l’arrivée des réprouvés en tant que race jouable et de la sortie de l’éditeur de monde.
Ci-dessous, le post de Pete:
Posté par Blizzard (Source)
Howdy,Hope everyone brought their appetite, the plagued Andorhal grain has arrived. We were unhappy with a few disconnects in 3s and 4s, so this patch does not include new game modes – see Incoming for what will be included in the next major patch.
We’re actively working on the queuing issue.
Undead have entered the fray
World Editor now available from Battle.net 45 (“Launch Editor” button on subnav)
Chat frame size increased
Chat can be pinned
Updated Social and Team invite panel
Updated Versus race icons
Added toggle for sound when game is in background
https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/warcraft3/t/beta-known-issues-list/ 476INCOMING
Night Elf
More improvements to chat experience/functionality
3v3, 4v4, FFA
Custom lobbies and games