Warcraft III: Reforged

Warcraft III Reforged : Le Patch notes de la version 1.32.4 est disponible

Il y a une heure, Kaivax a publié, sur les forums officiels de Warcraft III: Reforged, le Patch notes de la version 1.31.4 du jeu.

De nombreuses modifications et ajustements ont été apportés dans les domaines suivants :

  • Art (artistique)
  • Parties personnalisées
  • Editeur
  • Gameplay
  • Graphismes
  • Son
  • Interface de l’utilisateur

Par exemple, l’apparence des arbres du Norfendre a été mise à jour pour correspondre aux visuels de Classic. Ils ont donc maintenant quatre visuels distincts.

De nombreux groupes ont vu leurs empreintes mises à jour :

  • les Trolls
  • les Morts-vivants
  • les véhicules

Certains portraits animés ont également subi des modifications. Le mode solo des parties personnalisées a été ré-activé. Celui-ci est accessible depuis le menu principal, dans la section de vos propres parties créées.

Retrouvez la totalité des détails de ce nouveau Patch notes ci-dessous:

Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes
Version 1.32.4
April 28, 2020


  • All Melee units and buildings have received a team color polish pass to increase vibrancy and gameplay readability.
  • Female Demon Hunter scaled up to match closer with Male Demon Hunter’s silhouette.
  • Waterfall changed to use Replaceable Textures. Its tint automatically adjusts in game based on the map tileset.
  • Visual effect used for the first stage of buildings damage changed from smoke to fire for better readability.
  • Adjusted fire visual effects placements on the Townhall, Keep, and Castle for added readability during their damaged states.
  • Northrend Trees have been updated to match Classic visuals. There are now four visually distinctive tree wall sets:
    • Northrend Icy Tree Wall
    • Northrend Tree Wall
    • Snowy Tree Wall
    • Scorched Tree Wall
  • Footprints have been updated for the following groups:
  • Trolls have their own unique footprint.
  • Undead units with missing footprints are now fixed.
  • Vehicles now have continuous rolling footprint.
  • Fixed an issue with the Female Demon Hunter’s hero icon appearing incorrectly when disabled while in Demon form.
  • Tuskarr Trapper now throws his own spear when attacking.
  • Portrait animations have been updated for the following units: Peasant, Sorceress, High Elf, Lich, Dreadlord, Balnazzar, Mal’ganis, Keeper of the Grove, Night Elf Runner, Cenarius, Illidan (Demon Form), Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, Tree of Eternity, and their corrupted counterparts.
  • Reduced Violence updates:
  • Female Death Knight updated with correct visual effects for spell casting.
  • Ogre Magi no longer disappears in the middle of its attack animations.

Custom Games

  • Single Player mode has been re-enabled. This can be accessed from its own Create Games section in the Main Menu.
  • Fixed multiple crashes on custom games such as Custom Hero Survival.
  • Several fixes have been applied to Instance API natives related to unit attacks.
  • Blizzard.j and common.j are no longer considered when computing save checksums.


  • The “Export All” option in the Asset Manager now functions correctly.


  • Destructibles flagged as “Walkable” no longer cause desyncs between Classic and Reforged.
  • Reforged Troll mercenary unit selection circles are now smaller and more aligned with Classic.
  • All Neutral unit selection circles now properly match the Reforged unit models.
  • Creep camps are easier to see on the minimap.
  • Permanent morphing units, such as the Obsidian Statue, will no longer briefly display their disabled morph ability icon while transforming.


  • Game lighting adjusted to improve Reforged readability and colors.


  • Doom Guards now have the correct sound effects for their air and ground attacks.
  • Forest, Dark, and Ice Troll Trappers will no longer play the Berserk sound effect when casting Ensnare in Reforged mode.
  • Alchemist facial animations and acknowledgement sounds updated.
  • Flesh Golem facial animations and acknowledgement sounds updated.

User Interface

  • Sepia tone backgrounds in Classic mode have been reverted.
  • The “Use Command Button for Hotkeys” on Mac now functions as expected.

Par le biais du nouveau build, WoWhead a dataminé les bannières raciales et quelques autres éléments :


Webmaster des Chroniques d'Azeroth depuis sa création en 2018, Raydjahs en est également le rédacteur en chef et publie de nombreux articles et guides régulièrement.

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