Warcraft III: Reforged
Warcraft III Reforged : Déploiement du PTR 1.32.9
Les royaumes de tests de la mise à jour 1.32.9 viennent d’ouvrir leurs portes sur Warcraft III: Reforged. À cet occasion, le Community Manager Kaivax en a profité pour publier le Patch notes officiel de cette nouvelle version.
Voici les différents systèmes du jeu ciblés par les modifications et nouveautés :
- Art
- Éditeur
- Mode Multijoueur
- Parties personnalisées
- Campagne
- Interface de l’utilisateur
Retrouvez le Patch notes complet ci-dessous :
Warcraft III: Reforged PTR Patch Notes
Version 1.32.9Art
- Added a glow effect to Engineer Gazlowe’s cigar in Reforged mode.
- Filled in missing textures on the Pile of Junk doodad in Reforged mode.
- Fixed an ordering issue with the Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior’s armor in Reforged mode, so that it no longer sinks into his face.
- Removed team color from the Blue Dragonspawn Warrior’s eyes in Reforged mode.
- Filled in missing textures on the shoulderpads of the Blue Dragonspawn Warrior in Reforged mode.
- Corrected animations for the facial hair for the Satyr and Lord Garithos during their talking animations in Reforged mode.
- Adjusted the colors on mounted and unmounted Thrall so that they match in Reforged mode.
- Added a glow effect to the eyes for the Faceless One Trickster and Wraith portraits in Reforged mode.
- Added a glow effect to the eyes of the model and portrait for Salamander Hatchling in Reforged mode.
- Adjusted facial animations for the Sea Giant in Reforged mode so they better match their vocalizations.
- Resized footprints for Chicken critter so they better fit the model in Reforged mode.
- Added a tooltip for the Soul Preservation buff used by Mal’Ganis.
Custom Games
- Added tooltips for the Advanced Options in Custom Games.
- Removed Ring of Protection +2 and added Ring of Protection +3 to the loot table for the Ogre camps on Furbolg Mountain.
- Adjusted terrain so units can no longer reach unintended places on Concealed Hill.
- Fixed an issue with the SetMapMusic function that was preventing playlists from playing music.
- Fixed an issue with the function for setting player names that was preventing those name changes from applying properly in game.
- Disabling Use Fixed Random Seed now properly randomizes the seed.
User Interface
- Added a toast when a replay has been successfully downloaded.
Please note: These PTR Patch Notes are a work in progress and may be updated with further changes before the release of Patch 1.32.9.