Warcraft III: Reforged

Warcraft III Reforged : Déploiement du PTR 1.32.9

Les royaumes de tests de la mise à jour 1.32.9 viennent d’ouvrir leurs portes sur Warcraft III: Reforged. À cet occasion, le Community Manager Kaivax en a profité pour publier le Patch notes officiel de cette nouvelle version.

Voici les différents systèmes du jeu ciblés par les modifications et nouveautés :

  • Art
  • Éditeur
  • Mode Multijoueur
  • Parties personnalisées
  • Campagne
  • Interface de l’utilisateur

Retrouvez le Patch notes complet ci-dessous :

Warcraft III: Reforged PTR Patch Notes
Version 1.32.9


  • Added a glow effect to Engineer Gazlowe’s cigar in Reforged mode.
  • Filled in missing textures on the Pile of Junk doodad in Reforged mode.
  • Fixed an ordering issue with the Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior’s armor in Reforged mode, so that it no longer sinks into his face.
  • Removed team color from the Blue Dragonspawn Warrior’s eyes in Reforged mode.
  • Filled in missing textures on the shoulderpads of the Blue Dragonspawn Warrior in Reforged mode.
  • Corrected animations for the facial hair for the Satyr and Lord Garithos during their talking animations in Reforged mode.
  • Adjusted the colors on mounted and unmounted Thrall so that they match in Reforged mode.
  • Added a glow effect to the eyes for the Faceless One Trickster and Wraith portraits in Reforged mode.
  • Added a glow effect to the eyes of the model and portrait for Salamander Hatchling in Reforged mode.
  • Adjusted facial animations for the Sea Giant in Reforged mode so they better match their vocalizations.
  • Resized footprints for Chicken critter so they better fit the model in Reforged mode.


  • Added a tooltip for the Soul Preservation buff used by Mal’Ganis.

Custom Games

  • Added tooltips for the Advanced Options in Custom Games.


  • Removed Ring of Protection +2 and added Ring of Protection +3 to the loot table for the Ogre camps on Furbolg Mountain.
  • Adjusted terrain so units can no longer reach unintended places on Concealed Hill.


  • Fixed an issue with the SetMapMusic function that was preventing playlists from playing music.
  • Fixed an issue with the function for setting player names that was preventing those name changes from applying properly in game.
  • Disabling Use Fixed Random Seed now properly randomizes the seed.

User Interface

  • Added a toast when a replay has been successfully downloaded.

Please note: These PTR Patch Notes are a work in progress and may be updated with further changes before the release of Patch 1.32.9.


Webmaster des Chroniques d'Azeroth depuis sa création en 2018, Raydjahs en est également le rédacteur en chef et publie de nombreux articles et guides régulièrement.

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