Patch 8.3

Trente Tanks terminent Ny’alotha en mode Héroïque

Depuis quelques jours, de nombreuses personnes se lancent dans des défis à Ny’alotha. Ce fut notamment le cas de DesMephisto, ayant formé un groupe de guerriers et ayant vaincu N’Zoth en mode Normal. Nouvellement, la guilde Method a fait reparler d’elle à propos du raid.

En effet, l’un de leurs joueurs, Nnoggie, a constitué un groupe de raid de 29 Tanks (en plus de lui) et s’est aventuré à Ny’alotha, la Cité éveillée, en mode Héroïque.

Vous pouvez retrouver une vidéo postée sur la chaîne YouTube de Method retraçant le parcours de ses personnes :

Mais ce n’est pas tout : le même groupe de raid a commencé le mode Mythique de Ny’alotha, en éliminant les 3 premiers boss de l’instance.

Hey Guys!!

It seems like Nnogga and method decided to raise the bar from our all-bear AOTC to an all-tank raid (not just bears) where they all had absurd gear and corruption and just stomp us into the ground with those glorious dps numbers!

We figured since this week is the first week of cross-realm mythic raiding we would throw our hats back into the ring for silliest tank group and attempt some all-bear mythics.

In the end we only got the first 3 down but I hope people enjoy our nonsense either way. We’ll be back next week with some more kills hopefully!


Wrathion took us several wipes to figure out exactly how to get the damage we needed. Eventually we figured it out and got him down. You can tell by the yelling on kill we were pretty excited to get our first all-bear mythic kill!

Maut also took a bit of work we had a few <5% wipes where it all felt so close only to fall short due to an add getting eaten or casting a few times but eventually we got it and a few people even got that sweet sweet 475 weapon.


Finally Skitra. This boss was honestly no different than heroic really we 1-shot it with basically 0 trouble I think only a couple people died and most/all got rez’d by the end.

We gave a single pull on hivemind but at that point we were 4 hours into our first night of mythic and given we clearly didn’t 1-shot hivemind like Skitra we figured we’d quite while we are ahead and end on a high note!

Obviously the Method tank crew will stomp through mythic if they decide to go for it but we figured best we can do is make sure they aren’t the first all-tank to get some mythic kills?


Webmaster des Chroniques d'Azeroth depuis sa création en 2018, Raydjahs en est également le rédacteur en chef et publie de nombreux articles et guides régulièrement.

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