
Shadowlands : Précisions sur le Druide

Le développeur Sigma a posté une nouvelle fois sur le fil “RETOURS : Changements de la classe Druide” pour y apporter des clarifications. Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’il fait ça.

Il semblerait que les joueurs aient fait remonter un problème concernant l’affinité du Druide Restauration. Découvrez plus de détails ci-dessous :

I do see the problem on Resto Affinity+HotW. But since Resto doesn’t have a native form, changing this would amount to saying “simply cancel any form when you press Resto HotW.” That feels like an odd thing to force on the player, when they can already cancel form at any time. In the current setup, a player who presses HotW and then decides they want to use another Bear or Cat option before starting to heal has the option, and that seems worth preserving–even if it probably makes you want to keep a Resto button accessible from your form.

Made Sylvatican Charm work with Frenzied Regen. It was designed with Resto HoTs in mind, but this is a neat interaction for people playing Guardian. Its uptime will still be much better if you keep Resto HoTs on yourself.

In general, Torghast powers have very little balance so far, so I want to be a bit careful about feedback over what build is strongest. The Druid synergies around shapeshifting (capped by the epic power Lycara’s Sash) are definitely strong, and that might distort the feeling of other builds until balance of Torghast a whole is further along. Our goal would be that something like Grasping Tendrils could play into a winning run, in a situation where it shines due to the presence of, say, Sylvatican Charm and Rootwood Scarab.


Webmaster des Chroniques d'Azeroth depuis sa création en 2018, Raydjahs en est également le rédacteur en chef et publie de nombreux articles et guides régulièrement.

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