Shadowlands : Nouveaux boss de donjons et nouvelles créatures
Plusieurs noms et descriptions de boss de tous les donjons confondus de Shadowlands ont été dataminés. Parmi eux, nous retrouvons certains personnages que nous avons d’ores et déjà affronté par le passé, tels que Kael’Thas ou Hakkar.
Voici la liste complète des nouveaux boss (la traduction en français arrivera prochainement) :
Kryxis le Voracieux – Kryxis the Voracious sensed the anima stores deep within the Sanguine Depths, and his lust to consume this energy has driven him to madness. With the recent tear that has formed in Revendreth, Kryxis the Voracious has a found a way into these catacombs, a
Hazak le Non-Déchu
Amarth le Réanimateur – Puissant et sadique, Amarth dirige les nécromanciens de Zolramus. Il supervise la récolte de macchabées du haut de sa monture volante, une abomination morte-vivante qui répond au nom de Croc-d’Os.
Surgeon Stitchflesh – Surgeon Stitchflesh is the mastermind behind the grisly abominations that are deployed from the floating fortress of Zolramus. He bends to his task with maniacal fervor, crafting the flesh of fallen enemies into undead constructs to be used in Maldraxxus’
Bat Gargoyle – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam
Dredger Giant – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam
Blightbone – The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly stitched together by Surgeon Stichflesh to lead the vanguard of the assault upon the Temple of Courage.
Nalthor le Lieur-de-Givre – Commandant de la maison des Rituels, le sournois Nalthor le Lieur-de-Givre orchestre les attaques contre les malheureuses forces kyrianes.
An Affront of Challengers -
Dealer G’exa – Dealer G’exa is a cunning aquisitionist, wielding an array of magical contrivances that she has collected over the millennia. She relies on spatial manipulation to stay one step ahead of the innumerable enemies she’s made in her dealings.
Ingra Maloch – Cursed to exist outside the cycle of Life and Death, the Drust now seek to circumvent their fate using Ardenweald’s mechanisms of Rebirth. Their would-be conquest has found its way to Tirna Scithe, where Ingra Maloch and his followers use foul magic to su
Docteur Ickus – Amidst the fallout from the slime eruption, the deranged Doctor Ickus continues his mad experiments with ooze.
Stradama Margrave – Transformed due to the explosion that destroyed her house, Margrave Stradama is now the source of the plague that continues to ooze across Maldraxxus.
Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath – A massive sin-stone golem with stained glass windows on all four sides, infused with sin and anima, unfortunately awakened by the Depraved Venthyr’s machinations.
General Kaal General Kaal stands as one of Sire Denathrius’s main generals overseeing his operations in Revendreth. Strong, agile and full of guile, General Kaal uses her agility and anima-infused nature to eliminate all who would stand against her master. -
Hakkar l’Ecorcheur d’âmes[PH]
Les Tempêtes de Mana (Millhouse et Millificent)
La Haute-Prêtresse de Nathria – Within the Halls of Atonement, past the courtyard and gargoyles, is a church unlike any seen on Azeroth. A Venthyr Priestess presides over a congregation of spirits, spreading the dark word of the Nathrian religion.
Paragon de Loyauté
Seigneur Chamberlain
Oryphrion – [PH]Oryphrion is the firepower in the Paragon of Loyalty’s vanguard. The Dark Colossus has dominated the invasion into the city with their Anima fueled artillery, and now fiercely defends the font of power before the Archon’s seat.
Exécuteur Tarvold – <PH>The depraved warden of the Sanguine Depths, Executor Tarvold, takes sick pleasure in tormenting the prisoners here. Freeing the prisoners of their sins and their anima.
Ventunax – A Dark Kyrian construct, powered by Anima and honed to a razor edge. The Praetorian’s movements are so quick she can seem to disappear before players’ eyes, appearing behind them or in cover, and can cut through the air such that she generates tornados in
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
Briseur Curateur – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam
Globgrog – A monstrosity formed from the fallout of the destruction of the Plague House.
Dame Inerva Darkvein [NYI]
Grand Proctor Beryllia – <PH>Grand Proctor Beryllia has spent an eternity studying the flows of anima in Revendreth. Her skill and knowledge has been put to the test learning about a very curious prisoner deep within the Sanguine Depths, the naaru Z’rali.
Kael’thas Haut-Soleil
Domina Venomblade – A vile and sinister figure of the House of Many Eyes who fought her way to the source of the Plaguefall.
Sir Denathrius <PH>
Retrouvez ci-après la liste complète des nouvelles créatures (comprenant les boss) :
Kryxis the Voracious
Amarth, The Reanimator
Reanimated Crossbowman
Reanimated Mage
Reanimated Warrior
Stitchflesh’s Creation
Surgeon Stitchflesh
Carrion Worm
Nalthor the Rimebinder
Zolramus Siphoner
Droman Oulfarran
Ingra Maloch
Abom Boss
Illusionary Clone
Doctor Ickus
Margrave Stradama
General Kaal
Hakkar the Soulflayer
Millhouse Manastorm
Millificent Manastorm
Ghastly Parishioner
High Priestess of Nathria
Vessel of Atonement
Abom Boss
Executor Tarvold
Fleeting Manifestation
Broker Curator
Rejuvenating Slime
Kael’thas Sunstrider
Night Court Duelist
Rockbound Vanquisher
Shade of Kael’thas
Soul Infuser
Vile Occultist
Domina Venomblade
Sire Denathrius