Shadowlands : Nouveautés et modifications pour les talents
Les talents se voient à leur tour avoir des ajustements et un nouveau rayon de nouveautés pour Shadowlands.
Sans plus vous faire patienter, les voici :
Death Knight
- Bloodworms Name changed from “Mark of Blood” to “Bloodworms”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Mark of BloodBloodworms- Death Pact Name changed from “Bloodworms” to “Death Pact”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
BloodwormsDeath Pact- Mark of Blood Name changed from “Rune Tap” to “Mark of Blood”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Rune TapMark of Blood- Relish in Blood Name changed from “Tombstone” to “Relish in Blood”. Row 3, Column 3. Spell:
TombstoneRelish in Blood- Tombstone (New) Row 1, Column 3. Spell: Tombstone
- Glacial Advance Name changed from “Frostwyrm’s Fury” to “Glacial Advance”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Frostwyrm’s FuryGlacial Advance- Hypothermic Presence Name changed from “Glacial Advance” to “Hypothermic Presence”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Glacial AdvanceHypothermic PresenceUnholy
- Defile Name changed from “Epidemic” to “Defile”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
EpidemicDefile. Replaces: Death and Decay- Epidemic Name changed from “Defile” to “Epidemic”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Defile. Replaces: Death and DecayEpidemic- Unholy Frenzy Name changed from “Summon Gargoyle” to “Unholy Frenzy”. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Summon GargoyleUnholy Frenzy- Unholy Pact Name changed from “Unholy Frenzy” to “Unholy Pact”. Row 7, Column 2. Spell:
Unholy FrenzyUnholy PactDemon Hunter
- Burning Hatred Name changed from “Immolation Aura” to “Burning Hatred”. Row 2, Column 3. Spell:
Immolation AuraBurning Hatred- Essence Break Name changed from “Dark Slash” to “Essence Break”. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Dark SlashEssence BreakVengeance
- Bulk Extraction Name changed from “Soul Barrier” to “Bulk Extraction”. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Soul BarrierBulk Extraction- Demonic Name changed from “Spirit Bomb” to “Demonic”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Spirit BombDemonic- Felblade Name changed from “Razor Spikes” to “Felblade”. Row 1, Column 3. Spell:
Razor SpikesFelblade- Infernal Armor Name changed from “Flame Crash” to “Infernal Armor”. Row 3, Column 1. Spell:
Flame CrashInfernal Armor- Ruinous Bulwark (New) Row 7, Column 2. Spell: Ruinous Bulwark
- Soul Barrier Name changed from “Fel Devastation” to “Soul Barrier”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Fel DevastationSoul Barrier- Spirit Bomb Name changed from “Felblade” to “Spirit Bomb”. Row 3, Column 3. Spell:
FelbladeSpirit Bomb- Void Reaver Name changed from “Gluttony” to “Void Reaver”. Row 6, Column 1. Spell:
GluttonyVoid ReaverDruid
- Bloodtalons Row 7, Column 2. Spell:
- Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc Row 5, Column 3. Spell: Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc. Replaces: Berserk
Multiple specs
- Heart of the Wild Name changed from “Typhoon” to “Heart of the Wild”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Typhoon. Replaces: Nature’s ControlHeart of the Wild. Replaces: Heart of the WildRestoration
- Nourish Name changed from “Prosperity” to “Nourish”. Row 1, Column 2. Spell:
ProsperityNourish- Overgrowth Name changed from “Spring Blossoms” to “Overgrowth”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Spring BlossomsOvergrowth- Spring Blossoms Name changed from “Stonebark” to “Spring Blossoms”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
StonebarkSpring BlossomsHunter
Beast Mastery
- Bloodshed Name changed from “Spitting Cobra” to “Bloodshed”. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Spitting CobraBloodshed- Spitting Cobra Name changed from “Venomous Bite” to “Spitting Cobra”. Row 4, Column 1. Spell:
Venomous BiteSpitting CobraMarksmanship
- Barrage Name changed from “Volley” to “Barrage”. Row 2, Column 2. Spell:
VolleyBarrage- Binding Shackles (New) Row 5, Column 3. Spell: Binding Shackles
- Chimaera Shot Name changed from “Hunter’s Mark” to “Chimaera Shot”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Hunter’s MarkChimaera Shot- Dead Eye Name changed from “Barrage” to “Dead Eye”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
BarrageDead Eye- Volley Name changed from “Piercing Shot” to “Volley”. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Piercing ShotVolleyMage
- Enlightened Name changed from “Touch of the Magi” to “Enlightened”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Touch of the MagiEnlightenedMultiple specs
- Focus Magic Name changed from “Mirror Image” to “Focus Magic”. Row 3, Column 2. Spell:
Mirror ImageFocus MagicMonk
- Celestial Flames Name changed from “Guard” to “Celestial Flames”. Row 7, Column 2. Spell:
GuardCelestial Flames- Exploding Keg Name changed from “Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox” to “Exploding Keg”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Invoke Niuzao, the Black OxExploding Keg- Light Brewing Row 3, Column 1. Spell:
Light BrewingLight BrewingMistweaver
- Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red CraneInvoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane. Replaces: Invoke Yul’on, the Jade SerpentWindwalker
- Dance of Chi-Ji Name changed from “Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger” to “Dance of Chi-Ji”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Invoke Xuen, the White TigerDance of Chi-JiPaladin
- Glimmer of Light Name changed from “Last Defender” to “Glimmer of Light”. Row 7, Column 1. Spell:
Last DefenderGlimmer of Light- Judgment of Light Name changed from “Cavalier” to “Judgment of Light”. Row 2, Column 2. Spell:
CavalierJudgment of Light- Rule of Law Name changed from “Aura of Mercy” to “Rule of Law”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Aura of MercyRule of Law- Saved by the Light Name changed from “Unbreakable Spirit” to “Saved by the Light”. Row 2, Column 1. Spell:
Unbreakable SpiritSaved by the LightMultiple specs
- Divine Purpose Name changed from “Judgment of Light” to “Divine Purpose”. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
Judgment of LightDivine Purpose- Fist of Justice Row 3, Column 1. Spell:
Fist of JusticeFist of Justice- Holy Avenger Name changed from “Holy Prism” to “Holy Avenger”. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
Holy PrismHoly Avenger- Holy Prism Name changed from “Rule of Law” to “Holy Prism”. Row 2, Column 3. Spell:
Rule of LawHoly Prism- Seraphim Name changed from “Hand of the Protector” to “Seraphim”. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Hand of the Protector. Replaces: Light of the ProtectorSeraphim- Unbreakable Spirit Name changed from “Retribution Aura” to “Unbreakable Spirit”. Row 4, Column 1. Spell:
Retribution AuraUnbreakable SpiritProtection
- Blessed Hammer (New) Row 1, Column 3. Spell: Blessed Hammer. Replaces: Hammer of the Righteous
- Final Stand Name changed from “Seraphim” to “Final Stand”. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
SeraphimFinal Stand- Hand of the Protector Name changed from “Judgment of Light” to “Hand of the Protector”. Row 6, Column 1. Spell:
Judgment of LightHand of the Protector- Judgment of Light Name changed from “Aegis of Light” to “Judgment of Light”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Aegis of LightJudgment of Light- Moment of Glory (New) Row 2, Column 3. Spell: Moment of Glory
- Sanctified Wrath (New) Row 7, Column 1. Spell: Sanctified Wrath
- Empyrean Power (New) Row 2, Column 3. Spell: Empyrean Power
- Execution Sentence (New) Row 1, Column 3. Spell: Execution Sentence
- Eye for an Eye Name changed from “Wake of Ashes” to “Eye for an Eye”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Wake of AshesEye for an Eye- Healing Hands Name changed from “Word of Glory” to “Healing Hands”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Word of GloryHealing Hands- Sanctified Wrath (New) Row 7, Column 1. Spell: Sanctified Wrath
- Light’s Caress Name changed from “Lenience” to “Light’s Caress”. Row 7, Column 1. Spell:
LenienceLight’s CaressHoly
- Prayer Circle Name changed from “Circle of Healing” to “Prayer Circle”. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Circle of HealingPrayer CircleMultiple specs
- Shadow Covenant Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Shadow CovenantShadow CovenantShadow
- Death and Madness Name changed from “Shadow Word: Death” to “Death and Madness”. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
Shadow Word: DeathDeath and Madness- Surrender to Madness Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Surrender to MadnessSurrender to MadnessRogue
- Alacrity Name changed from “Toxic Blade” to “Alacrity”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Toxic BladeAlacrity- Blindside Row 1, Column 3. Spell:
- Coming Soon Name changed from “Slice and Dice” to “Coming Soon”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Slice and Dice. Replaces: Roll the BonesComing SoonShaman
- Echoing Shock (New) Row 2, Column 2. Spell: Echoing Shock
- Elemental Blast Name changed from “Lightning Shield” to “Elemental Blast”. Row 1, Column 3. Spell:
Lightning ShieldElemental Blast- Forceful Winds Name changed from “Hot Hand” to “Forceful Winds”. Row 1, Column 2. Spell:
Hot HandForceful Winds- Hailstorm Name changed from “Searing Assault” to “Hailstorm”. Row 4, Column 1. Spell:
Searing AssaultHailstorm- Hot Hand (New) Row 2, Column 2. Spell: Hot Hand
- Searing Assault Name changed from “Hailstorm” to “Searing Assault”. Row 4, Column 2. Spell:
HailstormSearing Assault- Stormkeeper Name changed from “Fury of Air” to “Stormkeeper”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Fury of AirStormkeeperRestoration
- Deluge (New) Row 2, Column 2. Spell: Deluge
- Surge of Earth Name changed from “Earth Shield” to “Surge of Earth”. Row 2, Column 3. Spell:
Earth ShieldSurge of EarthWarlock
- Drain Soul Row 1, Column 2. Spell:
Drain Soul. Replaces: Shadow BoltShadow Bolt. Replaces: Shadow BoltDemonology
- Improved Curse of Doom Name changed from “Doom” to “Improved Curse of Doom”. Row 2, Column 3. Spell:
DoomImproved Curse of DoomMultiple specs
- Tongue Tied (New) Row 5, Column 3. Spell: Tongue Tied
- Ravager Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Ravager. Replaces: BladestormBladestormFury
- Fervor of Battle Name changed from “Carnage” to “Fervor of Battle”. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
CarnageFervor of Battle- Fresh Meat Name changed from “Inner Rage” to “Fresh Meat”. Row 3, Column 1. Spell:
Inner RageFresh Meat- Frothing Berserker Name changed from “Massacre” to “Frothing Berserker”. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
MassacreFrothing Berserker- Inner Rage Name changed from “Fresh Meat” to “Inner Rage”. Row 1, Column 3. Spell:
Fresh MeatInner Rage- Massacre Name changed from “Sudden Death” to “Massacre”. Row 3, Column 2. Spell:
Sudden DeathMassacre- Onslaught Name changed from “Frothing Berserker” to “Onslaught”. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Frothing BerserkerOnslaught- Sudden Death Name changed from “Endless Rage” to “Sudden Death”. Row 1, Column 2. Spell:
Endless RageSudden Death- Wrecking Ball Name changed from “Meat Cleaver” to “Wrecking Ball”. Row 6, Column 1. Spell:
Meat CleaverWrecking BallProtection
- Anger Management Name changed from “Heavy Repercussions” to “Anger Management”. Row 7, Column 2. Spell:
Heavy RepercussionsAnger Management- Bolster Name changed from “Menace” to “Bolster”. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
MenaceBolster- Booming Voice Name changed from “Vengeance” to “Booming Voice”. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
VengeanceBooming Voice- Crackling Thunder Name changed from “Indomitable” to “Crackling Thunder”. Row 4, Column 1. Spell:
IndomitableCrackling Thunder- Devastator Name changed from “Unstoppable Force” to “Devastator”. Row 3, Column 2. Spell:
Unstoppable ForceDevastator. Replaces: Devastate- Heavy Repercussions (New) Row 7, Column 1. Spell: Heavy Repercussions
- Indomitable Name changed from “Rumbling Earth” to “Indomitable”. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
Rumbling EarthIndomitable- Into the Fray Name changed from “Booming Voice” to “Into the Fray”. Row 6, Column 1. Spell:
Booming VoiceInto the Fray- Menace Name changed from “Bolster” to “Menace”. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
BolsterMenace- Never Surrender Name changed from “Storm Bolt” to “Never Surrender”. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Storm BoltNever Surrender- Rumbling Earth Name changed from “Bounding Stride” to “Rumbling Earth”. Row 2, Column 2. Spell:
Bounding StrideRumbling Earth- Storm Bolt Name changed from “Safeguard” to “Storm Bolt”. Row 2, Column 3. Spell:
SafeguardStorm Bolt- Unstoppable Force Name changed from “Devastator” to “Unstoppable Force”. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Devastator. Replaces: DevastateUnstoppable Force- War Machine Name changed from “Into the Fray” to “War Machine”. Row 1, Column 1. Spell:
Into the FrayWar Machine