Shadowlands : Modifications et nouveautés pour les hauts-faits
Tout comme la plupart des systèmes existant en jeu, certains d’entre eux se voient avoir des modifications et des nouveautés pour l’extension nous menant à l’Ombreterre.
Sur cet article, je vais vous parler de tout ce qui touche aux hauts-faits :
Battle for Azeroth
- 8.3 Main Line – Account Has Obtained Legendary Cloak (DNT) (New) Account Wide.
- A Nation United Complete the following achievements and quests on the continent of Kul Tiras. 10 points.
Account Wide.- The Fourth War Complete the War Campaign in Battle for Azeroth. Title Reward: Veteran of the Fourth War. 10 points.
Account Wide.- The Fourth War Complete the War Campaign in Battle for Azeroth. Title Reward: Veteran of the Fourth War. 10 points.
Account Wide.Battle Raid
Dungeons & Raids
- Mythic: Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn Name changed from “Mythic: Il’gynoth, Corrupton Reborn” to “Mythic: Il’gynoth, Corruption Reborn”. Defeat Il’gynoth,
CorruptonCorruption Reborn in Ny’alotha, the Waking City on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.Character
- 9.0 Shadowlands – Expansion Quest Launch – Prologue (New)
Draenor Raid
Dungeons & Raids
- The Steel Has Been Brought Defeat Flamebender Ka’graz in Blackrock Foundry without killing Aknor Steelbringer on Normal difficulty or higher. after securing your garrison. Follower Reward: Aknor Steelbringer. 10 points.
Feats of Strength
- WoW’s 16th Anniversary (New) Logged in during WoW’s 16th Anniversary.
World Events
- Shake Your Bunny-Maker Use Spring Flowers to place rabbit ears upon players of at least
18th level. 10 points.10th level. 10 points.Promotions
Feats of Strength
- Heroic Edition: Ensorcelled Everwyrm (New) Owner of the Shadowlands Heroic Edition Ensorcelled Everwyrm mount. Account Wide.
- – NPE – Bought Item (New)
- – NPE – Sold Item (New)
- Absolution for All (New) Help 100 fugitive souls complete a ritual of absolution in Revendreth.
- Awaken, Ardenweald (New) Complete the Ardenweald storylines listed below.
- Best Bud With Benefits (New) Earn Stonehead’s friendship in Revendreth.
- Blade of the Primus (New) Complete the Maldraxxus storylines listed below. 10 points.
- Crypt Kicker (New) Open 50 Atonement Crypts in Revendreth.
- It’s Always Sinny in Revendreth (New) Defeat the following inquisitors in Revendreth.
- Kyrian Campaign (New) Complete the Kyrian Covenant campaign. 10 points.
- Loremaster of Shadowlands (New) Complete the Shadowlands quest achievements listed below. 10 points. Account Wide.
- Necrolords Campaign (New) Complete the Necrolords Covenant campaign. 10 points.
- New Player Experienced (New) Complete the new player quest experience. 10 points.
- Night Fae Campaign (New) Complete the Night Fae Covenant campaign. 10 points.
- Tea Tales (New) Hear every side of the story at Theotar’s tea party.
- The Accuser’s Avowed (New) Complete the Revendreth achievements listed below. Title Reward: The Cryptkeeper.
- The Master of Revendreth (New) Complete the Revenreth storylines listed below. 10 points.
- The Path to Ascension (New) Complete the Bastion storylines listed below. 10 points.
- Venthyr Campaign (New) Complete the Venthyr Covenant campaign. 10 points.
Shadowlands Dungeon
Dungeons & Raids
- Heroic: Sanguine Depths (New) Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths on Heroic difficulty or higher. 10 points.
- Mythic: Sanguine Depths (New) Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Sanguine Depths Guild Run (New) Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depthts on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group. 10 points.
- Sanguine Depths (New) Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths. 10 points.
Visions of N’Zoth
Expansion Features
- Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar Name changed from “Horrific Vision of Orgimmar” to “Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar”.