Shadowlands : les Chevaliers de la Mort ont accès à Tourment
Lors d’un précédent build, les Chevaliers de la Mort ont reçu des pouvoirs d’anima. Depuis peu, ils ont également eu des changements au niveau de leurs sorts.
Dorénavant, si vous jouez cette classe sur l’alpha de Shadowlands et que vous étiez impatient de la tester au sein de la Tour des damnés, c’est possible !
À présent, seuls le Voleur et le Paladin n’ont pas l’accès à Tourment. De plus, deux nouveaux “blocs” ont été ajoutés :
- Les Étages Supérieurs
- Mort’regar
Mise à jour 21 mai
Les classes suivantes possèdent désormais des Pouvoirs d’anima et peuvent se rendre à Tourment
- Chevaliers de la mort
Les classes suivantes ont reçu de nouveau Pouvoirs d’anima
- Chasseurs de démons
- Démonistes
Deux nouveaux environnements sont désormais disponibles à Tourment
- Mort’regar
- Les étages supérieurs
Changements de gameplay
- Les Death Pools grandissent désormais plus lentement depuis les corps des Dreadsoul.
- Les Chaudrons squelettiques peuvent désormais être détruits en interagissant avec eux.
- Les Skeletal Remains se déplacent désormais 50% plus lentement.
- Note des développeurs : Ce changement devrait permettre davantage de contres face à ces squelettes, en particulier pour les personnages en mêlée qui avaient du mal à les fuir.
- Les Brokers des étages courts ne devrait plus être à distance de pièges.
- De nombreux pièges et ennemis ont été supprimés du début des étages, où ils pouvaient atteindre les joueurs présents dans la zone sûre.
- Œil de Skoldus et Fracturing Forces attendront désormais plus longtemps après qu’un joueur quitte le combat avant d’appeler des renforts.
- Note des développeurs : Durant la semaine dernière, les développeurs ont lu et entendu de nombreux retours de cette partie de Tourment, la plupart concernant le concept des timers. Un message a été posté plus tôt à ce sujet.
Updated May 13
We have a major update to Torghast in this new Alpha build for testers to experience.
Covenant Abilities
You will now be assigned a Covenant when entering Torghast, including that Covenant’s signature and class abilities.
- Your test character’s Covenant will change daily, cycling through all four Covenants.
- Developers’ notes: The goal here is to get a look at some abilities before we’re able to fully test the Covenants/Zones they belong to. Please note that Anima Powers do not yet exist for Venthyr, Necrolord, or Night Fae abilities. Additionally, paladins, rogues, and death knights are not quite ready for Torghast, but they’re coming soon™.
The following classes now have Anima Powers available to them and can now access Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
- Hunter
- Monk
- Developers’ note: Monks are still missing a few powers, but they can begin testing.
Starting Room of the Damned
The Wayfinder in the starting room has been removed, and “Easy”, “Normal”, and “Heroic” runs have been removed. Please pay your respects.
- Developers’ note: F
The Torghast entryway is now a room that allows you to pick which cell block you wish to attempt, through a series of portals. The portals are:
- Twisting Corridors
- Skoldus Hall (quest)
- Fracture Chambers (quest)
- The Soulforges (quest)
- Coldheart Interstitia (quest)
- Developers’ Notes: To emulate Easy, Normal, or Heroic runs, enter the Twisting Corridors. Other doors will take you to the 6-floor quest runs, which are currently limited to floors 1-6.
All Twisting Corridors runs now end after 18 floors, regardless of difficulty. Delving deeper into the Twisting Corridors unlocks higher floor checkpoints from which to start a run. After entering the Twisting Corridors portal, speak to the Wayfinder to select your starting floor number.
· Gameplay Changes
- Deaths are now measured on a per-run basis:
- 1 player: 5 deaths allowed (Tarragrue on 6th death)
- 2 players: 8 deaths allowed
- 3 players: 10 deaths allowed
- 4 players: 13 deaths allowed
- 5 players: 15 deaths allowed
- Players can no longer ascend to the next floor without first defeating the Empowered creature guarding the portal.
- Players who release their spirit after their party members have ascended to a higher floor will resume on the higher floor.
- Ashen Phylacteries no longer require a killing blow to trigger Maw Power effects that are triggered by destroying them.
- Shackled Brokers now have more distinct names, and if you snuff out their life force, that broker will remain dead for the remainder of your run.
- The Broker’s Purse now drops less Phantasma than before, and this amount is now affected by group size.
- Vendors should now instantly update their displays for all players when a player buys a limited-stock item.
- Animimics now have a chance to drop something valuable.
- The first Anima Cell of each run can now be found once you traverse through a portal.
The Jailer’s Torments
At higher floor difficulties, you’ll now find yourselves subjected to additional scrutiny from the Jailer in the form of stacking debuffs that will make your ascent more difficult.
- A safe area at the beginning of each floor protects players from the effects of the Jailer’s Torments. Players remain safe until they leave the safe area, enter combat, or loot something.
- The Torments differ by cell block:
- Eye of Skoldus: The hounds of Skoldus periodically seek out players while they are out of combat.
- Fracturing Forces: Mawsworn ambushers periodically hunt and stalk players while they are out of combat.
- Soulforge Heat: The burning heat of the Soulforges constantly sears players for a percentage of their maximum health as Fire damage.
- Breath of Coldheart: The life-sapping breath of the Coldheart Interstitia reduces player damage the longer they remain on a floor.
- Mort’regar’s Echoes: Ghastly echoes of the dead haunt players, increasing the magic damage they receive the longer they remain on a floor.
- Might of the Upper Reaches: The Jailer’s might crushes opposition, increasing the physical damage players receive the longer they remain on a floor.
- Developers’ Notes: Much like Mythic Keystone dungeons have dangerous affixes at higher Keystone levels, those who ascend Torghast will endure the Torments of the Jailer. This is very much a work in progress and an early look at a system we’re iterating on. Please post your feedback on it in this forum thread.
Updated May 6
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
The following classes now have Anima Powers available, and can access Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
- Druid
- Shaman
The following class has received new Anima Powers for testing:
- Mage
A new cell block is now available in Torghast. Speak to the Wayfinder to access Coldheart Interstitia.
Most bosses have been slightly increased in difficulty. This includes increases to boss health and damage, as well as some new abilities.
Updated April 29
- Warriors now have Anima Powers available to them and can now access Torghast, Tower of the Damned.
- Priests have received new Anima Powers.
- Fixed an bug that allowed creative testers to play classes that weren’t quite ready for Torghast yet.
- A new cell block, The Soulforges, is now available in Torghast. Speak to the Wayfinder to access it.
- Flask-Torghast has also taken up residence in Revendreth’s Pridefall Hamlet.
- Anima Cells have new Maw themed visuals.
- The Anima Power “Bloating Fodder” should appear less often.
- Maw Sentries and Maw Guards now disarm their opponents less often.
- Fixed a bug in which the Random Portals floor caused portals to be a bit too random.
April 22
With this week’s update to the Shadowlands Alpha, testers will encounter a number of changes to Torghast:
- Mounting has been disabled everywhere in Torghast.
- Developers’ notes: This was a bug. We apologize for any misunderstanding it introduced. Our goal is for Maw Powers that grant movement abilities to be powerful, valuable choices. We feel that this is the way to continue building interest in moving around the space efficiently.
- Priest Anima Powers which previously only affected Flash Heal now also affect Shadowmend. Several other existing Priest Anima Powers have also been adjusted.
- The Tarragrue is tired of being bullied and has bolstered his defenses.
- Developers’ note: Please continue trying to bully the Tarragrue.
- Torghast escort NPC’s can now be stunned temporarily if they take too much damage.
- Urns are now named Ashen Phylacteries.
- Many bug fixes.
- Many more bug fixes.
In this thread, we’re discussing all aspects of the new instanced experience: Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Please read our preview blog post here 90.
Please post any feedback about Covenant and class signature abilities within Torghast in this feedback thread 18.
This initial post will be updated periodically throughout the Shadowlands test. Please check back here for information about further updates to Torghast as they are made.
Thank you for your testing and feedback!