Shadowlands: L’anima et les liens d’âmes
Toujours en interview, les développeurs ont détaillé ce qu’était l’anima et les liens d’âmes. Retrouvez plus d’informations à la suite de cet article.
Ely Cannon et Jeremy Feasel ont discuté de l’Anima avec WoWhead:
You will, during the course of your adventures in the Shadowlands, be gathering anima from various sources and you can put it towards a bunch of different ends. and one of those is powering up your soulbind. but we want it to be something that you can do at the beginning of your play session. It’s something you can take a little bite out of, get yourself an additional “Talent point” or soulbind ability, and then go out and play with it for the rest of the day. The name of the game in Shadowlands is player agency. We don’t want there to be an infinitely grindable system like Artifact Power or Azerite. We want you to be able to feel like you can do that, and then you can go off and do some other stuff.
Wowhead: So you don’t like people farming islands for 80 hours a week?
There’s no infinitely grindable system in Shadowlands. We want there to be tons of different things you can do. You can do what you want to do for anima.
Il semblerait que l’on puisse faire ce que l’on veut de l’anima. Vous n’aurez pas non plus à farmer l’anima indéfiniment comme la puissance prodigieuse.
De plus, cette ressource pourra vous conférer des bonus comme 5% de maîtrise ou 10% d’endurance. Vous pourrez cumuler ces bonus en aveuglant ou maudissant votre cible afin de créer des synergies.
Ils ont également parlé des liens d’âmes:
There’s another reason why you might want to choose a covenant. It’s to choose a soulbind. In the Shadowlands, you can pick someone you want to soulbind with, and kind of trade knowledge. and so your soulbind is going to provide certain powers. I think there’s one in Revendreth called Arrogance, where if you soulbind with this particular character, you get the Arrogance trait and if you have higher health than your enemy, you’ll actually have a higher crit chance.[…]as well as your ability to do what we call a soulbind, and this is where you find a powerful character in the world and match your soul with theirs and you can power them up with Anima and that acts as a passive talent tree with a variety of different options for your character.