
Shadowlands : Clarifications sur les Tourments de Tourment

Suite à la mise à jour déployée sur Tourment sur l’alpha, Kaivax a publié un message sur les forums officiels afin d’apporter des clarifications sur cette fonctionnalité. Le Community Manager parle notamment des Tourments, implémentés récemment.

Voici son communiqué ci-dessous :

We agree that one of the best things about Torghast is that you can play at your own pace, without feeling rushed. We certainly don’t want to make Torghast into a fast-paced, timed game mode. We have instead added Torments, which are designed to provide some additional texture for players at high levels, and to solve a problem that arises when extremely difficult content meets our often cooldown-based class design.
Here’s what Torments should do.
Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull – unless there’s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: that’s not fun to play, but it’s the right way to play if you want to win.
Torments should apply just enough pressure that this group can still kill every single creature on the floor (which takes a while, since these enemies have lots of HP), while still being careful, using crowd control, taking a few seconds to rest or strategize between pulls, and even then, maybe sometimes waiting just a little longer for a cooldown before engaging. If that is the most efficient way to play Torghast, then we’ve hit our mark exactly. If that perfectly efficient group has to skip big portions of a floor because Torment debuffs are getting too out of hand, we have a problem.
Here’s what Torments shouldn’t do.
  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.
  • Prevent you from taking a break when you need one.
  • Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether.
How cantestershelp us tune it?
Playtest Torghast, and let us know how it feels. We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience.
If something feels bad, let us know why.
  • Did you feel rushed when you didn’t want to? Was that pressure because of actual game difficulty, or was it simply the presence of the Torment itself?
  • Were you unable to defeat a level because of Torments, even though you were playing at a normal pace?
  • Did you want to take a break mid-run but felt like you couldn’t?
  • Do you feel like Torments are appropriate, but should be introduced at a higher level than they currently are (12)?
  • Alternately, did a particular Torment feel underwhelming? Do you still feel like you can wait 10 minutes between every single pull without threat of being overwhelmed?
There are several different Torments in the current Alpha. Some affect spawning and environment, and others affect your character directly. Some increase over time, and others remain at a fixed difficulty.
  • How do they feel in comparison to one another?
  • Does a particular Torment feel more punishing or unfun than the others?
We’ve seen some emotional response to this change, which we take to mean that you care about Torghast being fun. We do too.
Please keep up the productive discussions, and we’ll keep listening.


Webmaster des Chroniques d'Azeroth depuis sa création en 2018, Raydjahs en est également le rédacteur en chef et publie de nombreux articles et guides régulièrement.

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