Shadowlands : Changements à venir pour la capacité Forme d’âme des Faë-nocturnes
Blizzard vient tout juste d’annoncer des modifications à venir pour l’une des capacités de la congrégation des Faë-nocturnes, la Forme d’âme. Bien entendu, ces changements font suite aux multiples retours des joueurs.
- La Lumière vacillante – l’animation de téléportation de la technique – vous téléporte désormais 15 mètres plus loin (auparavant 10).
- Forme d’âme augmente désormais la vitesse de déplacement de 50% (contre 30% auparavant).
Greetings, friends of the Queen.
In the next Beta build, we’ve made some changes to the Night Fae’s Signature Ability, Soulshape. These changes are aimed at addressing the feedback we’ve heard from you, and echoed in our own playtesting, that Soulshape simply doesn’t feel powerful enough.
Flicker – Soulshape’s teleport effect – now teleports you 15 yards forward (up from 10 yards). Soulshape now increases movement speed by 50% (up from 30%).We’ve also fixed a number of issues with how Soulshape interacts with Druid shapeshift forms. For Druids, Soulshape will now behave like a real shapeshift form. If a Druid is in Cat Form and activates Soulshape, their action bar will change to the default bar instead of remaining on the Cat Form bar. Additionally, Soulshape will remember what form the Druid was in when activated, and return them to that form when Soulshape ends (unless the Druid manually activates a different Shapeshift). In this example, when Soulshape expires or is canceled, the Druid would automatically go back to Cat Form.
Thank you for your feedback thus far! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this update to Soulshape.