Shadowlands : Changements à venir pour la capacité Convoquer les esprits
Cette nuit, Blizzard a annoncé des modifications à venir pour la capacité de la Congrégation des Faë-nocturnes Convoke the Spirits (Convoquer les Esprits) dont les ajustements sont liés au Druide.
Pour information, voici une description de cette technique :
Convoke the Spirits (Convoquer les Esprits) : Vous faîtes appel aux Faë nocturnes qui provoquent une éruption d’énergie vous permettant de canaliser rapidement 16 sorts et techniques de druide en 4 secondes. Selon votre spécialisation actuelle, vous lancez Éclat lunaire, Colère, Rétablissement, Récupération, Rosser, Griffure, Lambeau ou Ferpoil sur une cible proche adaptée.
Et voici les changements qui seront apportés prochainement :
Thanks for all the feedback on Convoke the Spirits. It will have a further update in an upcoming build, focused on being oriented more around shapeshift forms, and including higher-value spells associated with each particular form.
Most importantly, the spell list is redesigned. It is no longer the same in every form.
–Spells included in every form: Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake, Thrash
–Caster form only: Wild Growth, Swiftmend
–Cat form only: Ferocious Bite, Shred, Tiger’s Fury
–Bear form only: Mangle, Ironfur
–Moonkin form only: Starsurge, Starfall
When used in any given form, spells assocatied with that form’s role are strongly favored.
Starsurge, Starfall, and Ferocious Bite don’t cost resources. Swiftmend doesn’t remove a HoT. Ferocious Bite does maximum damage. Self-buffs that don’t stack (Tiger’s Fury, Starfall) won’t overwrite themselves.
A bit of discussion about this ability–one dilemma with it is that while it actually chooses abilities somewhat smartly, it can’t claim to do so perfectly smartly. So the tooltip doesn’t promise to always choose the optimal ability, but in reality it does much better than random chance. Some things that were true in prior iterations, and still true now:
–Spells that apply a DoT or HoT are favored on targets that don’t already have it, and generally won’t reapply to targets that do (some exception for Wild Growth).
–It won’t aggro new creatures that aren’t in combat
–It won’t break CC
–Heals will be more favored relative to other spells if there are lower-HP targets
–Thrash is used more often in Bear Form than in Cat Form
As always, let us know how it feels on alpha.