Patch 8.3
Rextroy inflige 39 millions de dégâts à Dresta’gath
Rextroy est de retour dans une nouvelle vidéo dans laquelle il réussit à vaincre d’un seul coup Dresta’gath, à Ny’alotha, en lui infligeant 39 millions de points de dégâts avec l’attaque Frappe-tempête.
Tout comme sa précédente vidéo au sein de laquelle il avait tué Irion en un coup, Rextroy a encore une fois rapporté le bug aux développeurs avant de publier celle-ci, ce qui l’excuse d’un non-abus.
Cette fois, il n’était pas sur son Paladin pour réaliser cela : il a utilisé un Draeneï Chaman, de spécialisation Amélioration.
Toute sa méthode s’est tournée autour de la technique Impact foudroyant (sort de zone) qui n’a pas de limite sur son accélération de dégâts de Frappe-tempête. Ainsi, pour éliminer d’un coup Dresta’gath, il a eu besoin de 30 000% d’augmentation de dégâts, correspondant approximativement à 6 000 créatures sans aucun boost.
Voici la vidéo en question :
Si vous souhaitez connaître d’avantage d’informations sur la méthode employée, voici un long texte en anglais explicatif de sa part :
This was probably the most tiring one shot or “solo” I done so far. It took a total of 50 hours to test around and get this one shot complete! (40 hours of real attempts).
You might be wondering why it would be considered “broken” then. The reason is that if a lot of people were to coordinate to abuse it (many Shamans summoned at the same time) a lot of encounters would be easily downed.
Anyhow let us go through the whole process together!
It all comes down to Crash Lightning, the Enhancement Shaman AOE ability that didn’t have a cap on its damage boost to Stormstrike. I started testing around with a friend and it went to 805%!Then I went into other locations and kept stacking to see how high it could go. It seemed to go to infinity!
So the next step was to plan how to one shot a raid boss, and how many stacks was required to do it.
Drest’agath was the obvious target since he got the lowest HP of all the raid bosses in Ny’alotha. Thankfully he heals the damage taken, he doesn’t prevent it (so he is still vulnerable to one shots).
At first I needed something like a 30 000% damage boost (6 000 adds) that was before I geared myself with lots of damage boosts (Badge, Stormstrike traits etc). This made me able to lower the requirement to 4800 adds.
I tested a lot of different dungeons and raids to find a boss or NPC that kept stacking up more and more adds. Molten Core, Shadow Labyrinth, Blackrock Depths, Ulduar, Azjol’nerub etc.
The only ones that I found that were working (to infinitely stack mobs) were post Cata dungeons.
I tested around with both Thalnos and High Priestess Azil. However Thalnos stacked up adds too slow to be efficient and Azil killed her own adds with her abilities (was too hard to keep adds away from them after lag arrived).
After those I tried with Corborus and he was the perfect boss for this! Since you can position yourself to avoid all his knockbacks. Making you able to semi-afk while the adds start stacking (aslong as you don’t get logged out for being away too long).
I tried with 4800 adds at first, but the lag was overwhelming. All my active buffs (Landslide, Ascendance, Crash Lightning) were gone before the loading screen to Drest’agath were completed.
After discovering the Unbound Force combination, to guarantee crit if it procced, I weren’t having much luck with it at first. Since I needed the 20th stack to proc just as I used Crash Lightning or Lava Lash to finish off Corborus.
So my other plan was to aim for a main hand crit / off hand non crit kill.
But that once again, made the combo just a second too slow with all the lag, so the buffs ran out. Chance of failure increased quickly as the timer went above 3 hours 10 minutes.
Anyhow I kept trying and finally, I had the perfect proc of Unbound Force aswell as a fast combo / loading screen which allowed me to combo the boss for 39 Million Stormstrike! (Windstrike).
A huge thanks to my friends who helped me get summoned into the raid!