Patch 9.1
PTR 9.1 : Les notes des royaumes de tests ont été mises à jour
Ce soir et à l’occasion du déploiement d’un nouveau build, Blizzard a de nouveau mis à jour les notes des royaumes de tests du Patch 9.1 de Shadowlands.
Celles-ci ajoutent de nouvelles modifications d’équilibrage pour le Chasseur de démons, le Paladin, le Druide, le Prêtre et le Démoniste. De plus, une nouvelle suite de quêtes introduisant le méga-donjon Tazavesh, le marché dissimulé, a été implémentée sur le PTR. Celle-ci débute auprès de l’aubergiste d’Oribos, la capitale de l’Ombreterre. Des changements JcJ ont aussi été effectués, ainsi que des ajustements pour les effets légendaires. Enfin, la mise à niveau des objets JcJ repose désormais sur votre meilleur classement de la semaine (qui était le classement actuel).
Retrouvez l’intégralité des notes mises à jour des royaumes de tests du Patch 9.1 dans la suite de cet article.
World of Warcraft Version 9.1.0 PTR
Chains of Domination PTR Notes – 11 May Updates
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Unnatural Malice (Conduit) now increases The Hunt’s (Night Fae Ability) damage-over-time effect (was increased initial damage to the primary target).
- Druid
- Balance
- Stellar Drift (Talent) has been redesigned – Starfall damage increased by 50% and allows you to cast while moving while Starfall is active, but it has a 12 second cooldown (was 15 seconds).
- Paladin
- Holy
- Flash of Light healing increased by 20%.
- Infusion of Light consumed by Holy Light now causes Holy Light to generate 1 Holy Power (was 30% additional healing).
- Damage of all abilities reduced by 8%.
- Ashen Hallow (Venthyr Ability) damage reduced by an additional 10%.
- Hammer of Wrath damage reduced by an additional 10%.
- Judgement damage reduced by an additional 10%.
- Crusader Strike mana cost increased to 11% (was 9%).
- Crusader’s Might (Talent) reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 1 second (was 1.5 seconds).
- Fixed an issue that increased the damage of Hallowed Discernment (Venthyr Conduit) for Holy Paladins.
- Priest
- Holy
- Symbol of Hope has been redesigned – Bolster the morale of party or raid members within 40 yards. They each recover 60 seconds of cooldown on a major defensive ability, and they regain 18% of their missing mana, over 5 seconds (was 12%).
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Haunt (Talent) and Shadow Embrace (Talent) now also increase the damage of pets and guardians.
- Demonology
- From the Shadows (Talent) now also increases your pet’s Shadowflame damage.
- Destruction
- Eradication (Talent) now also increases the damage of pets and guardians.
- Conduits
- Higher item level versions of most existing conduits can now be found in the world. The remaining conduits will be implemented in a later build.
- New Megadungeon: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
- The megadungeon introduction questline, “The Al’ley Cat of Oribos”, starts at the Oribos innkeeper.
- Upgrading PvP items now relies on your best rating of the week (was current rating).
- PvP cloaks, necklaces, and crowd-control trinkets now appear less frequently in the Great Vault.
- PvP staves no longer appear in the Great Vault for Shaman.
- Repeat Arena Skirmish wins will now reward 3 Conquest (was 0).
- Death Knight
- New PvP Talent: Spellwarden.
- New PvP Talent: Death’s Echo.
- Strangulate (PvP Talent) is now available to all Death Knight specializations (was Blood only) and range reduced to 15 yards (was 30 yards).
- Necrotic Aura (PvP Talent) is now only available to Unholy specialization (was all specializations).
- Decomposing Aura (PvP Talent) is now only available to Blood specialization (was Blood and Unholy specializations) and now affects enemies within 8 yards (was 10 yards).
- Cadaverous Pallor (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Transfusion (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Blood
- Blood for Blood (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Passive: Heart Strike now deals 60% increased damage, but also costs 3% of your maximum health to cast.
- Last Dance (PvP Talent) now reduces the duration of Dancing Rune Weapon by 25% (was 50%).
- Frost
- New PvP Talent: Bitter Chill.
- Dead of Winter (PvP Talent) no longer reduces the radius of Remorseless Winter.
- Deathchill (PvP Talent) radius when applied by Remorseless Winter increased to 8 yards (was 5 yards).
- Delirium (PvP Talent) can now only be applied through Howling Blast (was also applied by Frost Strike), reduces cooldown recovery rate of movement abilities by 50% (was 25%) lasts 12 seconds (was 15 seconds) and no longer stacks (was stackable up to 2 times).
- Unholy
- New PvP Talent: Necrotic Wounds.
- New PvP Talent: Doomburst.
- Life and Death (PvP Talent) now heals you for 5% of the healing received by targets afflicted by your Virulent Plague (was 10% of the healing received by targets afflicted by your Festering Wound).
- Raise Abomination (PvP Talent) cooldown increased to 2 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).
- Necrotic Strike (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Druid
- Balance
- New PvP Talent: Star Burst.
- Prickling Thorns (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Shaman
- Elemental
- Control of Lava (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Flame Shock’s periodic damage occurs 15% faster. If Flame Shock is dispelled, a volcanic eruption wells up beneath the dispeller, exploding for Fire damage and knocking them into the air.
- Warrior
- New PvP Talent: Warbringer.
- Overwatch (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- New Runecarving Powers
- Priest has new powers available in the May 11 update.
- New Zone: Korthia
- Visitor Dailies
- New Visitor dailies added in the May 11 update.
- New: The Archivist’s Codex – Discover more of Korthia’s ancient secrets as you recover relics for the Reliquary of Remembrance that were lost in the wake of the mawsworn invasion.
- Players can begin The Archivist’s Codex by rescuing Scholar Roh-Suir near the Seeker’s Quorum.
- Recover relic fragments from treasures, bosses, and enemies to improve your reputation. More changes will be coming for this system in the following weeks.
- New rares and treasures to discover in Korthia and Desmotaeron.
- New rares and treasures added in the May 11 update.
- Soul Ash
- The amount of Soul Ash that is awarded for the first completed run of the week for any given Torghast Wing and Layer has been increased.
- Repeat runs of previously completed Torghast Wings and Layers will now award partial Soul Ash.