Patch 8.3
Prise en compte des retours par les développeurs : Réponse de Blizzard
À certains moments, des joueurs ne se sentent pas entendus par Blizzard, que ce soit leurs suggestions ou encore leurs retours concernant certains problèmes relevés en jeu.
Retributor est une personne qui fait partie de ces joueurs, et après avoir souligné cela dans un post publié plus tôt en ce mois de juillet, un employé de Blizzard du nom de Rejuvithorn lui a répondu que chaque propos des développeurs est méticuleusement examiné.
En effet, même une réponse simple peut prendre du temps pour être juste, surtout lorsqu’il ne s’agit pas du domaine dont l’auteur est expert.
Si vous souhaitez lire plus de détails quant au communiqué originel de Rejuvithorn, le voici :
I get where you’re coming from and totally appreciate the feelings that you’ve expressed here Retributor
Anything the developers say is picked over with a fine tooth comb. One wrong word and suddenly something a dev said was “considered” can end up all over the internet as “confirmed by Blizzard next patch!” even if that’s not what they said at all. One poorly worded joke made in good faith can provoke a backlash that becomes a meme for years. Even the simplest response can take a lot of time to get right, especially when it’s not the author’s expertise. Posting can take even longer if the information needs to be approved for release and translated to other languages. While you and I are not developers, imagine how daunting, and scary, it could be to make even a casual interaction when your voice might carry so far and have implications not only for yourself, but the fans, and colleagues throughout the company.
So there’s risk of causing the wrong kind of storm, and there’s time. Time, that they’re spending fully into making and improving the game. There’s also something I’ve mentioned before. Any member of staff commenting on feedback instantly makes that idea “about the blue” and can detract from the OP’s feeling or message. The thread may get flooded with people who want to join in, or who click on through from one of the various blue trackers, but actually don’t care about the size of an orcs ears (or whatever the suggestion was) vastly skewing what the real community sentiment is on a subject. It’s often better to let a community discussion play out, and observe, to gain a more accurate perspective.
So does that mean your voice isn’t heard? No, not at all. Even if they may not post often, the developers can read the forums. In addition, various roles make lots of reports of what’s being said here and other places, as well as a large number of other activities and avenues that all play their part to convey the pulse of the playerbase and ensure you’re listened to.
Now, I can’t speak for the devs, but I do know that from all the interactions I’ve had with them, they care. The care a heck of a lot about the game and you, our amazing fans. Truly.
I hope this at least provides a little insight and helps put your mind to rest a little.
While we’re on the subject, if you haven’t already seen it, check out the recent developer update below.