Patch 8.3
Patch 8.3 : Suppression de la progression infinie sur le Cœur d’Azeroth
Il y a peu, Blizzard a déclaré vouloir supprimer du PTR la progression infinie du trait infini “Pureté de l’âme-monde”. Plus d’informations à la suite de cet article.
Le trait “Pureté de l’âme-monde” possédait jusqu’à maintenant un système de progression infinie à partir du niveau 85. Pour remplacer cette fonctionnalité, Blizzard nous donnera l’accès à un objet chaque semaine, disponible à partir du moment ou votre cape légendaire atteindra le rang 15, dans le but de renforcer la résistance à la corruption au fur et à mesure.
Voici le message officiel de Kaivax:
Posté par Blizzard (Source)
In the Visions of N’Zoth PTR, we’re removing what we called the “infinite” at Heart Level 85. It was intended to allowing for an open-ended increase to Corruption resistance.We’ve heard a lot of feedback from players, and we agree, that there’s value in being able to reach a point where you’re essentially done with Artifact Power.
Increasing the Artifact Level of the Heart after unlocking its final Stamina node will continue to increase the Heart of Azeroth’s item level by 2 per step, but otherwise, major progression will end at Artifact Level 80.
To complement this, we’re adding an item in Visions of N’Zoth that players will earn once they’ve upgraded their legendary cloak to its maximum potential via Horrific Visions or from defeating N’Zoth on Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty, or from fully completing a Horrific Vision with at least one Mask active. This item will fortify the cloak, adding additional Corruption Resistance and allowing players to earn the ability to wear more Corrupted armor pieces as time goes by.We see this as similar to the way that legendary upgrade items were awarded by Archimonde or Argus the Unmaker at the end of the last two expansions – it should provide players who prefer to not do organized raiding with a way to have an engaging option for pursuing this reward.