Patch 8.3
Patch 8.3 : Modifications d’équilibrage pour le Druide restauration et pour l’essence Force vitale condensée
Kaivax a déclaré l’arrivée de plusieurs changements au niveau de l’équilibrage du druide restauration au Patch 8.3, ainsi que de l’essence “Force vitale condensée” du Cœur d’Azeroth.
Ci-dessous, retrouvez le message complet des propos de Kaivax, concernant ces différentes modifications:
Posté par Blizzard (Source)
I’ve added these notes to the OP in this thread, as we are now testing:
Mastery: Harmony healing bonus reduced by 9%.
High Noon (Azerite Trait) damage reduced by 34%.
Developers’ note: Restoration Druid has an overall package of healing, damage, and utility that is very hard to compete with in solo-healed content. Two things that stand out in particular are the efficiency of focused healing on a single target with high Mastery, and the ease of contributing DPS with very little GCD usage on Sunfire.
Condensed Life-Force
The damage debuff applied by your Guardian’s Azerite Spikes has been reduced to 3% increased damage (was 5%).
Please note, the High Noon reduction we’re testing only applies to the Restoration spec.