Patch 8.3
Patch 8.3 : Modification de la menace apportée par le Cœur d’Azeroth
Dans un communiqué publié récemment, Nimox (Game Designer) a déclaré qu’un changement a été effectué pour que les joueurs en spécialisation tank puissent avoir un bonus de menace à chaque emplacement débloqué sur le Cœur d’Azeroth.
Retrouvez ci-dessous le message originel de Nimox :
Posté par Blizzard (Source)
We made a change via hotfix a few months ago to grant Tank specialization characters bonus threat for each slot they had unlocked on their Heart of Azeroth. In the Visions of N’Zoth update, we have changed this slightly.
In Visions of N’Zoth, once you have unlocked the Major Slot, if you are any tanking specialization or a druid of any specialization with Bear Form active, you will just have a +50% threat modifier applied to you. Changing specializations to a non-tank specialization or leaving Bear Form will remove this threat modifier.
There is no longer any bonus threat for each unlocked slot, you just get a sizable threat bump from the start. This should help reduce some issues where tanks with different Heart of Azeroth levels and slot unlocks were having difficulties with threat between each other.