Patch 8.3
Patch 8.3 : Dialogues dataminés à partir du guide de survie
Pendant la soirée, Blizzard a publié sur la chaîne YouTube de World of Warcraft une vidéo dédiée au guide de survie de la mise à jour 8.3. En la visionnant et en cherchant dans les fichiers du jeu, WoWhead a pu dataminer quelques nouveaux dialogues.
Ces mêmes lignes de dialogues n’étaient pas présentes sur le PTR. De plus, deux cinématiques ont également été trouvées dans les fichiers du jeu, à ce jour indisponibles :
- 8.3_[BEA]_Blood_War_Epilogue_Alliance_IGC
- 8.3 [BEH] Blood War Epilogue – Horde – IGC
Alors que la Horde ne possède plus de Chef de Guerre, certains membres pensent que Thrall ou Baine pourraient la diriger.
Lor’themar: The Alliance has sent word. They have agreed to the armistice. This bitter war is finally over.
Baine: At last we can begin to heal our wounded Earth Mother… and the wounded Horde as well.
Lor’themar: One question remains. Who will serve as warchief? Perhaps, you, Thrall, would–
Thrall: No. I told Saurfang I would not lead the Horde again.
Thrall: But perhaps the question is not who will become warchief… but whether there should be one at all.
Lor’themar: Though the Horde has changed through the years–for good or ill–our people have always looked to a warchief to guide us forward.
Baine: That legacy must end. The war nearly cost us everything. There is no place for a warchief in a time of peace.
Thrall: It is true–the Horde has changed. Our ranks have grown, and new voices have stepped forth to lead.
Thrall: This is what makes us strong. All of us, building a new future–together.
Rokhan: Since da death of Vol’jin, da Darkspear been lookin’ ta me ta guide dem.
Rokhan: I been fightin’ for dem a long, long time… but dat don’t mean I deserve ta be deir chieftain.
Baine: I felt much the same when my father died. It happened suddenly, and I feared that I was unprepared to take his place.
Baine: But I was ready, just as you are. You proved that in Zuldazar and at Stromgarde. The Darkspear have faith in you, and so do I.
Rokhan: Heh. Ya best be stoppin’ da flattery, Baine, before it be goin’ ta me head.
Rokhan: But… da Darkspear do be needin’ a leader. A voice on da council. And if it gotta be me… den it be me.
Baine: Trust your judgment, Rokhan. It has led you this far.
Rokhan: It be havin’ a lotta help. From da Darkspear, from da loa… and from da Horde.
Lor’themar: Thank you again for leading our forces in Nazjatar alongside me, Thalyssra. Your insight and courage were key to our victory.
First Arcanist: It was an honor, Lor’themar. I am relieved the war is finally over. Now you have no excuse to refuse my invitation to visit Suramar.
Lor’themar: Well, uh… I have been away from Silvermoon for some time. No doubt my people require–
First Arcanist: Halduron has assured me that Quel’Thalas is quite secure. And Rommath said that if you put up a fuss, he will teleport you to the Nighthold himself.
Lor’themar: It seems my closest allies are conspiring against me!
First Arcanist: Would it really take a conspiracy for you to spend time alone with me?
Lor’themar: No, my lady. It would be my pleasure.
First Arcanist: A suitably chivalrous answer, Regent Lord. There may be hope for you yet! Perhaps I can even teach you to relish the… simpler joys of life.
Lor’themar: Perhaps you can, First Arcanist. Perhaps you can.
First Arcanist: I will accept, if you will stand by my side, as counselor… and friend.
L’avis de Tyrande sur la Quatrième Guerre
En colère contre Sylvanas depuis l’embrasement de Teldrassil, sa fuite contre la résistance de Saurcroc ainsi que l’abandon des elfes de la nuit par Elune, Tyrande est furieuse face à la décision de l’armistice entre l’Alliance et la Horde, suite à la déchéance de la Dame Noire de son titre.
Anduin: The armistice is signed. At long last, the Fourth War is over.
Tyrande: No. Not while the Black Moon still cries out for vengeance. Not until the Horde has answered for its treachery.
Anduin: Further bloodshed will not bring back the fallen. We must renew our hope and forge a future for those who survived.
Tyrande: And when the next warchief musters an army, will hope save you if it is Stormwind that burns?
Anduin: I know it’s difficult to trust, but there are signs of change within the Horde. In place of a warchief, there is now a council led by Baine, Thrall, and the others. I believe they can–
Tyrande: Your faith is naive, lion son. I will sign no treaty unless it is written in the Banshee’s blood!
Anduin: Tyrande!
Genn: There is truth in her words, Anduin. Peace may be on the table today, but soon enough the Horde will sound their drums and march for war.
Genn: When that day comes, no scrap of parchment will hold them back.
Anduin: The path to peace will not be easy, and not all will choose to walk it. But this is the only way to build a better future. I believe it will work, Genn.
Shandris: You spoke harshly to King Anduin, Tyrande. The kaldorei can ill afford to shun the Alliance. They have provided aid and comfort to us in these dark times.
Tyrande: The young king is foolish to trust our enemies. Harsh words should be the least of his fears.
Shandris: The Banshee Queen no longer leads the Horde. Those who do seem more inclined toward peace than war.
Tyrande: If the wolf is rabid, it matters not who rides it. Sooner or later, the beast will bare its fangs.
Shandris: You are dearest to my heart, Tyrande. I beg you, let go of the Black Moon’s rage and embrace the mother’s light once again. I could not bear to lose you to darkness.
Tyrande: Know this. My hunger for vengeance will not be sated so long as Sylvanas Windrunner remains free–and until I know why Elune abandoned her children.
Shandris: Tyrande! Do not say such–
Tyrande: I will tarry no longer in this city of men. Let us leave for the boughs of Nordrassil.
Tyrande: From there we will dispatch the Sentinels to every corner of Azeroth. Let no one rest until the Banshee is found!