Patch 8.3
Liste des problèmes connus de l’hôtel des ventes
Blizzard a dressé une nouvelle liste de bugs connus, cette fois-ci concernant uniquement les soucis liés à l’hôtel des ventes. Retrouvez plus d’informations à la suite de cet article.
Un exemple de problème de l’hôtel des ventes a été le fait que certains joueurs ne recevaient pas de notification sur leur tchat lorsqu’un objet a été vendu aux enchères.
We’re aware of and working on a number of issues with the new Auction House:
- The Upgrades Only filter can show some wands and shields that are not upgrades.
- While selling certain items, non-related pets will sometimes appear in the list of current auctions.
- Players are sometimes unable to buy out an auction in which they are the highest bidder.
- Sold auction rows can disappear from the Auctions tab.
- Sold auction rows can display the wrong quantity sold.
- There is no chat notification when an auction sells.
- The Uncollected filter can show owned battle pets.
- While selling a caged pet, the price columns are misaligned in the list of current auctions.
- Some players have experienced attempting to cancel an auction that has bids enabled, but no bids yet, and receiving an incorrect warning that they will be charged an extra 5% penalty. This penalty message is only meant to be shown if there’s an active bid on your auction. If there is not an active bid, you can safely proceed with canceling, and the penalty won’t be applied.
We’ll continue to investigate all of the above and develop fixes wherever possible. If you’re experiencing any issue with the new Auction House, we suggest you first disable your addons and try again.
Thank you!