Patch 8.3
Le bonus Vents de la Sagesse étendu jusqu’au pré-patch
Annoncé le 20 mars dernier comme s’étendant originellement jusqu’au 20 avril, Blizzard a décidé de rallonger la durée du buff Vents de la Sagesse, permettant de faire progresser plus rapidement vos personnages.
Vos gains resteront augmentés de 100% d’expérience et le bonus restera actif sur votre compte jusqu’à la sortie du pré-patch de Shadowlands !
There are many journeys to be taken in Azeroth, and if you’re in the middle of one, or just looking forward to starting a new one, we’ve heard your plea for a little more time. Due to the popularity of the Winds of Wisdom 100% experience buff in Battle for Azeroth, we’re extending its benefit through to the release of the Shadowlands pre-patch!
All players in Battle for Azeroth will gain an experience buff called “Winds of Wisdom” which will increase experience gains by 100%! (Bonus includes Starter Edition and Legion players.)
Players will also be able to take advantage of this experience boost while still using their favorite heirlooms.