WoW Classic
Classic : Réponse de Blizzard pour les joueurs exploitant les enchantements de classes
Depuis la sortie de Zul’Gurub il y a quatre jours, une petite partie de joueurs exploitent un bug concernant les enchantements de classes.
Après que de nombreuses personnes aient signalé ce comportement sur les forums, le développeur Pazorax a répondu :
people are trading their class enchants because of spell batching in trade windows
It’s not actually batching, it’s a timing interaction between a macro and the trade window. It just seems like batching. And here is an account from a vanilla toon live now on retail that was enchanted by someone else: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/shattered-hand/ihealtheflagThis was live in vanilla. People did it in vanilla.
I wanted to let you know we’ve seen the reports, and we’re investigating.
I recommend you hold off on doing these cross-class enchantments while we investigate further. If you take advantage of this exploit, you run the risk that you may have wasted the enchantment if we disable or remove it.
Thanks for the bug report!