Patch 8.3
Batwan solote la Cabale Insatiable
Une nouvelle personne est parvenue à se soloter un boss de Battle for Azeroth et ainsi à décrocher le World First. Il s’agit de Batwan, ayant réussi à vaincre en solitaire la Cabale Insatiable au Creuset des Tempêtes en mode Mythique.
Pour cela, il a décidé de jouer son Chasseur de démons, de spécialisation Vengeance.
Le monde du solotage de boss n’est pas inconnu pour lui, puisqu’il a déjà tombé seul par le passé G’huun, Zul ou encore Kil’Jaeden. En totalisant toutes ses vidéos portant sur ce sujet sur sa chaîne YouTube, nous dénombrons pas moins de 400 éliminations de boss en solitaire. Selon lui, son affrontement face à la Cabale a été l’un de ces plus grands défis dans ce domaine.
Voici la description de sa vidéo, révélant un peu plus de choses sur la manière dont il s’y est pris pour venir à bout du premier boss du troisième raid de cette extension :
Occasionally, there are boss encountered that contain execution requirements that are so high, cumulated with other aspects such as DPS or Survival, that the hypothesis of such bosses falling down belongs to the word “miracle”.
This down of the Restless Cabal is such a miracle.Before diving into the different aspects of this encounter, I’ll mention that more than just being a very interesting boss to solo, it is a creative boss in the DPScheck. Over the more than 400 boss soloed in the past, this may really be a premiere to see such a particular DPScheck actually.
Without further ado, the Restless Cabal is a boss that revolves around two core abilities: – Shear Mind = stacks on you applied from Fa’thuul, removes 10% of all your stats (stamina included) per stack. The timer of this nasty debuff is 20 secondes. It is reapplied every 7-8 seconds.
To remove it, the boss must be kited with a distance exceeding 20yards.
– Promises of Power = stacks on you applied from Zaxasj every 20-30seconds, going up to 9, and increasing your damage done by 10% per stack, while also reducing your total amount of HPs by 10% per stack.You can already smell it: these two somewhat contrasting abilities will play for the main part of the boss. Even more so with the way how the total of HPs (extremely low) is managed throughout the fight.
The DPScheck:
19,848k + 16,795k = 36,643k HPs total.
But, add two Void Stones for 500k each = 1,000k HPs;
and two Trident Shields for 727k each = 1,454k HPs;
and also three Visages for 305k each = 915k HPs.
Overall, 40,012k. Divided by 780 (cuz 780 seconds; 13 mins long encounter before Berserk) = 51k3DPS required at least.
Wait, we are forgetting a few crucial factors:
– There are times when by kiting Fa’thuul, it is mostly impossible to DPS the bosses. Just in this kill, there are 14 destacking phases. Let’s say that each averages around 15 seconds (17-18secs would be more accurate, but let’s neglect that): 14X15s = 210s. 780s – 210s = 570s. 40 012 / 570 = 70,2kDPS required.
– Due to Fa’thuul’s stacks that are destacked between 4 and 6, there is a constant 25% damage reduction done to the bosses in average. 70,2 X 125 / 100 = 87,8kDPS required.
– Because of Conflict and Strife major needed to destack these magical debuffs, not only is there no Major Essence to boost the DPS (such as Crucible of Flame), but Immolation Aura cannot be used for the entirety of the encounter aside from removing these debuffs! (making the gameplay pretty awkward.)
– Both bosses must die at the same time (10 seconds gap window): it’s not about nuking them like an idiot, but stabilizing them (which sometimes results in further loss of DPS).
Now, with an almost 90k DPS requirement and all these contraints, you can easily guess why it is crucial to play with Promises of Power and to take an insane amount of risks!
– Eventually, each little failure here or there (Visages not dying and casting the fear, Fa’thuul restacking during a destack process, or else) is increasing the already substantial DPScheck)
The Survival:
I don’t know if I should really develop such an obvious point.
Let’s say that with 9 stacks of Promises of Power and the accumulating debuffs from Fa’thuul, just a simple overlap of a bolt from the caster and a melee from Fa,thuul is enough to insta-kill the player.
Needless to add the multitude of other mecanics overlapping. To put it in a nutshell, it is all about absorption management and getting the absolute right timing!
The relics:
Transitioning at 75, 50, and 25% phase, both boss must pass next to a relic that is never twice the same (for each). Moreover, passing both boss at the same time prevents them to trigger the same relic.
I won’t spend a long time here… so let’s simply say:
– the shield (trident) relic is very complex since it required to catch the right timing to transition the bosses while also doing a considerable amount of damages right after. Add a visage, this is a nightmare of getting the absolute right timing.
– the shadow stone relic is probably the most difficult, since it prevents all healing done while the shield on the boss (500k absorb) isn’t broken. Add a visage and… well, we all know the song.
– the storm relic is the easiest one, since by not falling below 25% HPs during its activation, it can be outdone (use CDs X_x).
Each relic increases the damages of the bosses by 10%. Yay: the end of the fight is quite brutal and can (did several times) easily result in awipe.The corruption:
As always, it plays against you, and can play you REALLY badly.
Hey, just add a random proc of Infinite Stars passing the boss next to an already activated relic, and it’s a wipe…All in all, why is this kill such a miracle?
For all these aforementioned reasons, and because the execution of this video is ALMOST perfect. Probably the 3rd most difficult boss ever soloed after Mythic Blackhand and Heroic Spine.