Patch 8.3
Un correctif à venir vous permettant d’acheter des Noyaux maléfiques
Blizzard vient de publier un message sur les forums officiels annonçant un nouveau correctif à venir sur les royaumes de Battle for Azeroth.
En effet, les joueurs ayant amélioré leur cape légendaire jusqu’au Rang 15 pourront dorénavant acheter des Noyaux maléfiques auprès de D.A.M.E. en échange de 2 000 Échos de Ny’alotha. Cela sera répétable, jusqu’au maximum d’Échos que vous auriez pu gagner par l’intemédiaire des Visions Horrifiques hebdomadaires ou de N’Zoth, le Corrupteur.
Il vous sera toujours possible de gagner jusqu’à 2 Noyaux maléfiques par semaine, en terminant complètement une Vision Horrifique et/ou en battant N’Zoth en difficulté Normale ou supérieure.
Voici plus d’informations ci-dessous :
Later today, we will apply a hotfix to the game that will allow players who have upgraded the legendary cloak Ashjra’kamas to Rank 15 to purchase Malefic Cores from MOTHER for 2,000 Echoes of Ny’alotha. This will be repeatable, up to the maximum that you could have otherwise earned via weekly Horrific Visions or from N’Zoth the Corruptor.
The intent of Malefic Cores was to provide ongoing incremental weekly power gains, to help overcome remaining challenges in this final tier of Battle for Azeroth. This has been similar to past systems in Warlords of Draenor (upgrading the legendary rings via Archimonde drops) and Legion (upgrading trinkets from Argus the Unmaker). While each extra bit of Corruption Resistance only represents a small increase in potential power, we understand the frustration of feeling weeks behind, especially without any controlled way of closing the gap faster. With this hotfix, players can further supplement their progress through the wide variety of endgame content that rewards Echoes of Ny’alotha.
It will still be possible to earn up to two Malefic Cores per week, by fully clearing a Horrific Vision and/or defeating N’Zoth the Corruptor on Normal difficulty or higher.
Thank you!